Sunday 26 August, 2007

Sambar Powder(Sambar Podi)


Dhania - 6 cups
Chana dal - 1/2 cup
Tuar dal - 1/2 cup
Fenugreek seeds(Methi) - 4 tsp
Pepper - 2 tsp
Red chillies - 1/4 kg
Curry leaves - 1 handful

Method :
Dry fry all the above ingredients without oil. Let it cool. Grind it along with 1 tsp Turmeric powder for a delicious Sambar powder.

1 comment:

Pooja Na(i)rayan said...

Hey There:
This seems to be a perfect blog for my hubby taste. The recipes till Mysore Pak are among his favorites and I must say he is a picky eater